Archive for the 'Media' Category

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We Media: Old media, new media

>>> has Al Gore’s speech available for download as a podcast. Third discussion: We Inc. Jason McCabe Calcanis (moderator, WebLogs Inc.). Scott Rafer (Chairman, Wireless Inc.), Craig Forman (VP & GM, Yahoo!), Jennifer Feikin (Director, Google Video), Andrew Heyward (President, CBS News). Heyward: There is a danger of over-simplyfying and it’s bad the VP […]

Al Gore blasts TV; says marketplace of ideas is dead

Al Gore, Tipper Gore and their son Albert are seated at my table across from me. Now Al is at the podium. Gore: I used to be the next president of the United States. In 1972 I was a graduate of an API seminar of investigative reporters. It was pre-Watergate, and I was working for […]

We Media conference (II)

>> Second discussion at the We Media conference in New York. Farai Chideya (had a career in all media, from newsmagazines to television to radio. Now she works in LA for NPR): I finally feel that there is some convergence — to use a word that is totally dead. There is no real separation between […]

We Media conference

Note: The comments below are for the most part paraphrases. Andy Carvin from the Center for Media & Community is blogging from the front row at the table that I’m sitting. He is taking pictures and video with an A40 and uploading from an IMac. You can read his stuff at >> Opening discussion […]

America — divizata sau unita?

Am scris pentru “Dilema Veche” un articol despre uraganul Katrina si efectul pe care l-a avut asupra solidaritatii (sau lipsei de) americanilor: Puteti sa-l cititi aici.

Romania makes it into the New York Times

Today is one of those days when The New York Times turns its mighty eye to my home country of Romania. The topic is — and it comes as no surprise — orphans. Nicholas Wood has been covering Central and Eastern Europe for a while and his stories appear both in the International Herald Tribune […]

Mr. Lundell goes to Romania (and the Union-Eagle follows)

There are some people that just shouldn’t try to write about Romania. Joel Stottrup from the Princeton Union-Eagle is one of them. Granted, there’s not much to expect from a paper serving a little over 4,000 people in Princeton, Minnesota, but the disastrous story the paper ran a week ago is a gem of horrid […]

The soul of Islam

Earlier this year, I worked on a story on the Muslim community of Columbia, Mo. Although the central focus were local Muslims, the effort was meant to integrate their stories in a larger world-wide debate on the future of Islam, and the struggle within the faith between violent elements and ordinary believers. The story turned […]

Lobbying for Romania

The Washington Post gave a nod to Romanian ingenuity — or lack of resources — in a short story today. Stefan Candea of the Romanian Centre for Investigative Reporting, the journalist in the story, looks to be gathering ammo from the the Foreign Agent Registration Act Unit, probably for use in a story on the […]

Floods in Romania kill 21

Romania is under water. The recent floods in 33 of the country’s 42 districts killed 21 people and left more than 12,000 without a home. According to a Reuters report, the floods are the worst the country has seen in 50 years, topping the floods of April and May, which produced an estimated damage of […]